Red-Eared Slider

Trachemys scripta elegans

Animal Behavior: Red-eared sliders are aquatic turtles, strong swimmers, and in the wild, will commonly be seen basking on rocks, logs, or other surfaces above the water. Turtles are reptiles, and cold-blooded, so they must rely on external heat sources for warmth. They will bask in sunlight, and in the wild, burrow down into the earth to hibernate in winter.

Eating Habits: Juveniles are mainly carnivorous, and become more omnivorous as they reach adulthood. The diet should be balanced and include a variety of meat-based protein sources and fresh plant material.

Range: The normal range for the red-eared slider in the United States is from Illinois to the Gulf of Mexico, and the East Coast to western Texas. It has been found in other regions, presumably because people released their pet turtles into those areas. It spends most of its time in or around water. Although it can be found in lakes and rivers, the red-eared slider prefers marshes, ponds, and slow-moving water that supply food and basking areas. In northern areas it will hibernate.

Conservation Efforts: Red-eared sliders are reproducing and thriving, thus not considered to be in danger.

Animal Facts: The red-eared slider can live 50-70 years.

Red-Eared Slider

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