
Dromaius novaehollandiae

Animal Behavior: Emus are generally solitary birds, but exhibit social behaviors whenever advantageous. Emus demonstrate a playful curiosity with each other and to other animals. They are strictly diurnal. When they do sleep they wake often due to predatory threats and hydration needs.

Eating Habits: Emus primarily feed on fruits, seeds, insects, and small animals. Emus will also feed on animal droppings and will reject leaves and dry grasses.

Range: Emus are found exclusively in Australia and inhabits nearly the entire continent. Emus tend to gravitate toward areas with standing water. The home range of emus are 5 to 10 square km. They are always on the move is search of food and water.

Conservation Efforts: The emu lives in abundance in mainland Australia. In Tasmania, however, the population was decimated when it was hunted by European settlers. They are listed as Least Concern.

Animal Facts: Emus will swim when presented the opportunity. Emus produce oil that has been used for medicinal purposes for hundreds of years. The primary predator of emus are dingoes. The number of eggs laid range from 5 to 24. A single nest may contain eggs of several females. The male is responsible for incubating the eggs. The average birth weight is 500 grams.


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