White-Handed Gibbon

Hylobates lar ---- Our sweet Betty White is a white-handed gibbon!

Animal Behavior: Gibbons use vocalization for intraspecific communication. Normal duets are a function of territoriality signaling to neighboring groups who pose a threat.

Eating Habits: White-handed gibbons are largely frugivorous animals, eating ripe fruit from woody climbers and tropical trees. They also eat leafy plants, flowers, and insects, and are very selective feeders when it comes to fruit consumption.

Range: Gibbons live in subtropical and tropical rainforest from eastern Bangladesh to Northeast India to southern China and Indonesia (including the islands of Sumatra, Borneo, and Java).

Habitat: Habitats in which white-handed gibbons are found include dipteropcarp forests, lowland and submontane rainforests, mixed deciduous bamboo forests, seasonal evergreen forests, and peat swamp forests

Conservation Efforts: White-handed gibbons are currently listed as an endangered species on the IUCN Red List. Their status is in part due to the flourishing illegal pet trade in Thailand, in which they are hunted, captured, traded, and exploited. The deforestation of habitat is also a threat and is becoming more of a problem.

Animal Facts: White-handed gibbons are dichromatic in pelage. They wear either a dark coat, which may range from gray to black to brown, or a light coat of light cream color to light brown. The hairless face is surrounded by a ring of very short white or lightly colored fur and the hands and feet are both white. Their elongated forelimbs, hands, and feet are adaptations for brachiation, which is their primary mode of travel through forest canopies. Lar gibbons do not have tails.

White-Handed Gibbon
White-Handed Gibbon
White-Handed Gibbon
White-Handed Gibbon
White-Handed Gibbon

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