
Boselaphus tragocamelus

Animal Behavior: Nilgai antelopes are usually found in herds of about 10, but larger groups of 20 to 70 have been seen. When chased they can reach speeds of up to 29 mph.

Eating Habits: The nilgai graze and browse with grass as the main source of their diet. In Asia, they eat mainly woody plants. IN Texas, they eat mesquite, oak, partridge peas, croton, nightshade, and a variety of grasses.

Range: Nilgai antelopes evolved in India and are found today on large ranches in Texas. Nilgai live in dry areas with a variety of land types. In India they occur in the foothills of the Himalayan Mountains southward to Mysore. The brush country of South Texas is well suited to their natural preferences.

Conservation Efforts: Hunting by humans threatens nilgai antelopes. They are listed as Least Concern.

Animal Facts: Nilgai is from the Hindi word nilgaw which means "blue bull" referring the the color of the adult male. The average lifespan is 21 years in captivity.


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