Nile Hippopotamus

Hippopotamus amphibius

Animal Behavior: Hippopotami are a very social species living in groups of about 20 to 100 individuals. They lead sedentary lives, resting most of the day and leaving their resting pools at dusk to feed. Defensive displays such as yawning, jaw and tusk clashing, biting and retreating to resting ponds are common in fighting between males as well as protection of the heard against predators.

Eating Habits: Their mainly folivores diet consists of small shoots, grasses, and reeds.

Range: Hippopotamusi are found exclusively in the Ethiopian region. They occur in rivers throughout the savanna of Africa and the main rivers of Central Africa.

Conservation Efforts: There has been a 7 to 20 percent decline in hippopotamus populations over the past 10 years. There are few conservation efforts aimed at protecting hippo habitat and populations specifically.

Animal Facts: Hippopotami are usually very docile animals. They are extremely valuable to native hunters. Hippos have average life expectancies around 55 years. Average number of offspring is 1 weighing between 22 and 55 kg. Adult hippos weigh between 1,300 and 3,200 kg. Hippos lack scent and sweat glands.

Nile Hippopotamus

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