Cape Buffalo

Synerus caffer

Animal Behavior: Cape buffalos are social and congregate in herds ranging from a few individuals to over a thousand. In general, herds are smaller in denser vegetation.

Eating Habits: Buffalo are grazing ruminants. After grazing grass, they must spend time chewing their cud, or bolus, to extract more nutrients from their food. They prefer the leaves of grass which dominate their diet during the wet season. They prefer grasses with a higher leaf to stem ratio.

Range: The classic cape buffalo is found in the east and south portions of Africa, starting in southwest Ethiopia and through Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Tanzania, Zambi, and Malawi.

Conservation Efforts: All subspecies are considered together and are listed as "Least Concern."

Animal Facts: The buffalo can live up to 22 years in the wild and have been recorded living 29.5 years in captivity. Non-relatives in the herd may provide care for lost, orphaned, or abandoned calves. In captivity newborns weighed between 24 and 60 kg, with a mean of 40 kg.

Cape Buffalo

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