Vietnamese Potbelly Pig

Sus scrofa domesticus

Animal Behavior: They are much calmer and much smaller than a farm pig. A pot-bellied pig is usually full grown at three years of age and weighs 100-250 pounds. Many pot-bellied pigs unfortunately weigh much more than this due to poor diet, overfeeding, and lack of exercise. Pigs are very glutinous animals and will eat until they vomit.

Eating Habits: Potbelly pigs have a diet of grass, plants, roots, vegetables, insects and grubs.

Range: Pot-bellied pigs are a domestic breed of pig that came from Vietnam in 1985. They are believed to have originated from Red River Delta region in Vietnam. The breed was said to be one of the biggest population of pigs in Vietnam in the past.

Animal Facts: Pot-bellied pigs are exceptionally clean and smart animals. They can be easily trained to use a litter box or to go to the bathroom outside. They can be trained to do many other things, such as to sit or come when called. Pigs love to be challenged and enjoy learning how to do new things. They are naturally docile creatures that enjoy socializing. Pot-bellied pigs are also herd animals, which means they would do well when put together with another pig or even other pets like cats.

Vietnamese Potbelly Pig

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