Silver Pheasant

Lophura nycthemera

Animal Behavior: Silver pheasants are gregarious ground-dwelling birds that are usually seen in small flocks. Silver pheasants are active during the day and prefer to forage in the morning and in the evening. They spend most of their life on the ground and will fly only to escape danger. These birds communicate with the help of loud whistles, high-pitched chirping and during the courtship display, males produce cackles and grunts.

Eating Habits: Silver pheasants are herbivores (granivores, frugivores). They feed mainly on seeds and fruits and may also take invertebrates according to the season.

Range: The silver pheasant is a species of pheasant found in forests, mainly in mountains, of mainland Southeast Asia, and eastern and southern China, with introduced populations in Hawaii and various locations in the US mainland.

Conservation Efforts: Silver pheasants are categorized as not globally threatened.

Animal Facts: Pheasants have excellent eyesight and a sense of hearing which help them to quickly detect predators. Pheasants can run at a speed of 8-10 miles per hour (13-16 km/h) and fly at the speed of 35-45 miles per hour (56-72 km/h). They are also able to swim. During the summer, pheasants breathe rapidly in order to maintain stable body temperature.

Silver Pheasant

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