Military Macaw

Ara militaris

Animal Behavior:  Military macaws are gregarious, meaning they are social birds. Although populations of 50 macaws are common, they have been found in groups of up to 100.  These birds are not migratory, but they move seasonally based on the abundance of food and number of suitable breeding sites. 

Native Habitat:  South America

Eating Habits:  Military macaws are specialized granivores, meaning they primarily eat seeds. Their range of seeds in their diet differs seasonally based on abundance and availability. Their diet can also differ depending whether not it is breeding season.

Range:  Military macaws (Ara militaris) are split up into eight disjunct ranges &ndash two in Mexico and six in South America. Military macaws are absent in Central America.

Conservation Efforts:  These macaws have no special status on the US Migratory Bird Act. On the US Federal list, they are listed as Endangered.

Animal Facts:  Military macaws are monogamous, staying with one mate for life. They are seasonal breeders.  Military macaws generally breed every 1 to 2 years and average 2 to 3 eggs in a single clutch.  The maximum life span of the military macaws in captivity is 54 years. There are many web-based sources that suggest a lifespan of around 50-60 years in the wild.


Military Macaw

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