Barred Owl

Strix varia

Animal Behavior: The Barred Owl (Strix varia) is a North American large species of owl that lives in a mature forest, often near water. Although male and female Barred Owls are identical, the female owl is usually larger.

Eating Habits: Barred Owls hunt during the day, but do most of their hunting at sunset and night. These owls sit on elevated perches with sharp eyes and ears waiting for prey to emerge. They have tube-shaped eyes that are completely immobile , providing binocular vision which allows them to fully focus on prey and boosts their depth perception. Owls can spot prey that is over 100 feet away. Barred owls are silent flyers which make them successful hunters. Their diet consists of mice, birds, amphibians, and fish.

Conservation Efforts: Barred owls are widespread across North America. If you are outside at night and hear the sound, "Who cooks for you?"... a Barred Owl is near and watching.

Animal Facts: Barred owls nest 20 to 40 feet up in cavities of large trees. Female owls lay 1-5 eggs, in which each egg is laid on a separate day. The female Barred Owl sits on the brood of eggs until they hatch. The males job is to hunt and feed the female while she incubates the eggs. Owl chicks are known as Owlets and hatch on different days. Eggs hatch in the order they are laid. Owlets are cared for by both parents and remain in the nest for 6 weeks before leaving the nest. Parents will continue to feed and care for fledglings for several weeks after they leave the nest to teach the owlet how to fly and hunt.

Barred Owl

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