Great Horned Owl

Bubo virginianus

Animal Behavior: The Great Horned Owl, (Bubo viginianus) with its&rsquo long, warlike tufts and yellow eyes is a large species of Owl found in North America. Males and females look identical but the female owl is usually larger than the male. Male owls have a larger voice box and deeper voice than the female owl. Great Horned owls are monogamous. Owl pairs often call together with audible differences in pitch.

Eating Habits: These large owls can take down other birds and mammals larger than themselves. They feed on mice, birds, amphibians, and fish. Owls' eyes can see 8 times further than humans because they have tube-shaped eyes that are completely immobile, providing binocular vision that fully focuses on a prey and boosts depth perception. When a Great Horned Owl clenches prey with its strong talons, it requires a force of 28 pounds to open.

Range: Great Horned Owls are common and wide spread throughout North America. They can be found in deserts, wetlands, forests, grasslands, backyards, cities, and other semi-open habitats. If you are outside and hear "Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!" & there is a Great Horned Owl watching you.

Animal Facts: Great Horned Owls are nocturnal and can be fierce predators. Great Horned Owls have very soft feathers that insulate them against cold Winter weather and help them fly very quietly in pursuit of prey. In the spring, Great Horned Owls nest in pine trees or Jupiter trees - in nests that were built by other species! They have also been known to nest in cavities of trees or on the ground. The female owl lays 1-4 eggs and incubates them until they hatch. The chicks are called owlets and are born completely helpless with closed eyes and pink skin. Both the parents take care of and feed the owlets, but roost separately. Fledglings will try to leave the nest and fly around 42 days old. The adult owls remain in the territory to watch over the young birds. Young owls become mature at the age of 2 years old and find their own territories.

Great Horned Owl

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